Brazil 1-7 Germany | Extended Highlights

IttookplaceinBrazilfrom12Juneto13July2014,afterthecountrywasawardedthehostingrightsin2007.ItwasthesecondtimethatBrazilstagedthe ...,Brazil·11·14·0.RedCards.TOURNAMENTAWARDS.,2014FIFAWorldCupBrazil...2014FIFAWorldCupBrazil™.Home·MatchCentre·Teams....。參考影片的文章的如下:


2014 FIFA World Cup

It took place in Brazil from 12 June to 13 July 2014, after the country was awarded the hosting rights in 2007. It was the second time that Brazil staged the ...

2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil

Brazil · 11 · 14 · 0. Red Cards. TOURNAMENT AWARDS.

2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil™

2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil ... 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil™. Home · Match Centre · Teams. All. AFC. CAF. CONCACAF. CONMEBOL. UEFA. Algeria.

Brazil at the 2014 FIFA World Cup

Brazil, who finished fourth for the second time in World Cup history, conceded a total of 14 goals in the tournament, the most they had ever allowed in a World ...

FIFA World Cup 2014

2024年1月10日 — The FIFA World Cup took place in Brazil from the 12th of June to the 13th of July, 2014. The tournament was won by the German national team, ...

World Cup 2014

This is the overview which provides the most important informations on the competition World Cup 2014 in the season 2014 ... World Cup 2014 ... Brazil · Brazil · 0: ...

World Cup 2014

2022年11月18日 — The tournament was held in 12 stadiums across Brazil, with the final at the historic Maracana in Rio de Janeiro.


IttookplaceinBrazilfrom12Juneto13July2014,afterthecountrywasawardedthehostingrightsin2007.ItwasthesecondtimethatBrazilstagedthe ...,Brazil·11·14·0.RedCards.TOURNAMENTAWARDS.,2014FIFAWorldCupBrazil...2014FIFAWorldCupBrazil™.Home·MatchCentre·Teams.All.AFC.CAF.CONCACAF.CONMEBOL.UEFA.Algeria.,Brazil,whofinishedfourthforthesecondtimeinWorldCuphistory,concededatotalof14goalsinthetournament,themostth...